Under normal circumstances this group performs on Wednesday's at the 7 & 8:30pm time slot. But for this specific occasion, we'll be performing a "late set" starting @ 10pm. Aside from the start time, however, the main difference will be that I'll be hosting an open jam session, as there haven't been any opportunities for the community to join this particular configuration of musicians on stage in over 7 years for an event like this. Therefore, this will be a rare situation worth coming out for (especially if you're a musician).
Since there will be no sign up sheet for people interested in participating, it means that you'll have to introduce yourself to me to get up on stage if I don't already know you. And the reason being is simple. Music is a social endeavor that requires people to be social if it's to sound as good as it can.
So whether you're a musician who's interested in getting up on stage, or simply a fan of live music, we sincerely look forward to seeing you at this event!!!
Click here to purchase your tickets: www.the1905.org
John Nastos (Alto Sax)
Greg Goebel (Piano)
Garrett Baxter (Bass)
Christopher Brown (Drums)