The Low Bar Chorale is hands down one of the best kept secrets throughout not only the greater Portland, OR. area, but the NW region of the United States in general. And its super power is found in the fact that it consistently accomplishes what we all want to see more of in this world. And that’s the catalyzing of communities that care for one another across all manmade lines of division (which nothing seems to do better than live music).
What makes this event so special (aside from the fact that it’s happening) is that for the first time a large audience will be singing along to the tricky arrangements that my band is known for doing of classic “Yacht Rock” era songs. So needless to say, it’ll be a new and unforgettable experience for everyone in attendance.
Click here for tickets and more info.
John Nastos (Alto Sax)
Dylan Hayes (Keyboard)
Garrett Baxter (Bass)
Christopher Brown (Drums)